College Spot

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_Johnston-_, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. ( Max looked around the campus, he had 3 suitcases and his guitar.)

    Max:Hmmm, this place looks pretty peaceful, the house is on the other side of the lake, separating me and my guitar from those other students, (Max walks up to the door and sees a tall blonde haired guy with blue eyes and a Varsity jacket)
    ???: Your late
    Max: Well, hello to you too,
    ???: I have a student in there that has been waiting for me to start orientation for 10 minutes,
    Max: (Looks at watch) Actually, now 11 minutes, with your yapping, your making her wait longer.
    ???: Oh, I'm impressed, you actually know math.
    Max: Haha funny, and by the way, in 5th grade I won the Math A Thon, 1st place.
    ???: You mean exactly 8 years ago? Not impressive, what do you use that line to pick up girls?
    Max: No way, do you use that pathetic haircut and that dumb jacket to get girls?
    ???: Actually yes, you see, girls...or shall I say....women, find men, like me very attractive because I have my priorities straight, I have never gotten a single F in my life, women, love an educated man, why do you think I had so many girlfriends here?
    Max: How many exactly? Because your definition of "so many" and your "so many" are two different to be the same.
    ???: Ok, I had 3, that's "so many"
    Max: Dude, that's close to nothing,
    12 or 13 girls is alot, not just "3"
    ???: How many girls have you had?
    Max: In High School, 15
    ???: No way,
    Max: Yes way, every girl I went out with were all, you, and I changed them, they are now buying booze and goibg out every night,
    ???: That's terrible!
    Max: No...they feel free, before they were awesome they thought they were happy just studying and being a good girl, now they love bwing dirty and naughty and drinking, they are now....Free,
    ???: That sounds obscured,
    Max: Not really, it, right?
    ???: I....I-
    Ginger: ALRIGHT,
    Dominic: Alright that girl that just yelled is Ginger, she's new.
    Max: So am I
    Dominic: But I actually like her, so shut up and don't say anything stupid,
    Max: Oh I get it, you like her? Dude major crush!!!
    Dominic: Shhhhhh, no, no crush, I just think she looks like a decent girl, now as I said shut up and act like you've got home training,
    Max: I di have home training, its just.... I kinda forgot the rules, since they told me soooo long ago,
    Dominic: (rolls eyes)

    (Max and Dominic enter the living room, it is a modern room with a huge flat screen T.v. and a small wooden coffee table seperating two brown couches, on the left of Max is two twin girls, they both have blonde hair and tight clothes revealing their toned smooth skin, Max grins, he whispers to Dominic)
    Max: I think I actually am gonna like it here,
    Dominic: Ugh,

    (On the right there is a girl with long brown hair and periwinkle colored eyes. She is wearing a large white hoodie and a pair of jeans, she looks bored and sighs)

    Max:(thinking) Whoa, is that Ginger? She's totally hot, in a huge hoodie and jeans kind of way.
    Dominic: Alright, let's read the rules,
    Ginger: Umm....Dominic, I ahve to go use the bathroom, I'll be right back,
    Dominic: (smiles politely) Of course Ginger take your time,
    Ginger: Thanks,( gets up from seat and walks up the stairs)
    Dominic: Max, have a seat
    Max: (sits on the left side of the couch just a couple inches from where Ginger was sitting,)
    Dominic: (Frowns,) Not there, (points to couch where the twins are sitting) There
    Max: No thanks, I'm fine here
    Dominic: (grumbles)
    ???: Max?
    Max: (turns around) Yeah-
    ???: It's me, Reachel, remember, we used to date in 9th and 10th grade?
    Max:, you look, wow
    Reachel: Thanks and you, your all tall and wearing black,
    Max: Yeah...
    Reachel: Omg, you finally took my advice and started playing guitar?
    Max: Actually, I was in a band
    Reachel:Wow, that's cool, well, I'll see you around, it was nice
    seeing you,
    Max: Dito

    (Reachel marches up the stairs before giving Max a warm smile Max, looks the other way)

    Dominic: Wow, you and Reachel were a thing?
    Max: Umm...yeah,
    Twin 1: Reachel is hot, good for you
    Dominic: Yeah, I guess
    Max: Yeah...she was back in High School too
    Dominic: So how did you get her?
    Max: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
    Dominic: What woyld she want with such an uneducated guy as yourself, obviously there was something wrong with her id she dated you for 2 years
    Max: What about you? You think you have the time to commit to one girl ? It ain't as easy as you think?
    (Folds arms)
    Dominic: How isn't it?
  2. Yo, someone move this to fan fiction

  3. fan fiction exists for reason
  4. Didn't read it but thanks for sharing something with the community.
  5. Idek what I just read.
  6. New York best seller
  7. Dude, THAT WAS AWESOME! U should write a book. I'm looking forward to reading it :)
  8. Max killed OP because his thread was TL;DR
  9. Love this club
  10. Hi guys! So I talked to Johnston and she let me continue this story!:D hope you guys love it!

    Max: It', me and Reachel were really in love. It was a time of regret and we were young, that's all you need to know.
    Twin 2: Wait so did you cheat or something?
    Max: I said that's all you need to know
    Dominic: Of course he cheated, he obviously didn't see the lovely gift in front of him and instead of embracing it he ran away from it.
    Max: Hey, you shut the hell up, you don't know a thing about me.
    Dominic: (scoffs) Oh please, guys like you don't get girlfriends, they get something called an STD. They manipulate girls and have unprotected and boom, she has an STD.
    Max: First of all, I have no disease, and second after me and Reachel broke up I didn't date, I banged.
    Twin 1: (giggles) Banged what?
    Max: Girls, but I actually did use protection.
    Twin 2: Good for you,
    Twin 1: Yeah, good thing you don't have a kid!
    Max: Who has a kid?
    Twin 2: Reachel,
    Max: WHAT?!?! Racheal has a kid?!?
    Twin 1: Yup a baby boy, his name is Emmanuel.
    Max: Well where is he?
    Twin 2: He's mostly in Reachel's room all the time. But if you want to see him all you gotta do is ask Reachel.
    Max: Wait, how old is this Emmanuel?
    Twin 2: 1
    Max: Wow, I never thought Reachel would have a kid before me, I thought she would at least get married first.
    Twin 1: Not all the time, sometimes the most people that look like they have the best going for them, usually end up in a flop.
    Max: (runs hands through)
    Dominic: Is it yours?(glares at Max)
    Max: What?
    Dominic: The boy,
    Max: What? No way, me and Reachel really never did anything when we together, she was in that goody abstinence stage.
    Dominic: Do you have any idea who the father could be?
    Max: (shrugs) Beats me
    Ginger: Alright (sighs and lays back on the couch) What did I miss?
    Max: Just me (winks at Ginger)
    Ginger:(smiles) I don't think so
    Max: Ahhh come on, you had a little thought of me.
    Ginger: Alright, I admit
    Max: Cool, why don't you tell me exactly what you thought
    Ginger: Fine, I said... What is such a guy that paints his finger nails black, gonna do with me? Other than try to ruin my life and my very much so good hostile being.
    Max: O_O....
    Twin1 & Twin2: (laughs)
    Dominic: Good one Ginger. :)
    Ginger:(smiles) Anytime, so can we get to these rules already?
    Dominic: Of course! Ginger, would you like to read the first sentence?
    Ginger: Sure.... Rule number 1
    No Vandalising
    Max: Well, looks like that's a no for the skateboard I was gonna spray on my wall.
    Dominic: Why in heavens sake would you spray your walk?!?.
    Max: Becauss it looks dumb!
    Dominic: How would you know if you hadn't even went to your room yet?!
    Max: Trust me, I know what's up whit sheets, and a desktop on the side of the room. And a bookcase full of empty meaningless bullcrap that we don't need.
    Dominic: Like you would know anything..(grumbles)
    Ginger: Can I continue or?
    Max: Oh sorry Ginger for the interruption, I wouldn't want to interfere on hearing your sweet lovely voice ;).
    Max: I'll read the second rule.
    Dominic: Ha! So the thing can read
    now! How fantastic! You surprise me a little every second your here
    Max: Yeah, your mom said the same thing,
    Ginger,Twin1,Twin2: (gasp)
    Dominic: What did you just say?
    Max: I said...your mom said the same thing! I surprise her with more and more every stroke.
    Dominic: Take it back,
    Max: No thanks,
    Dominic: I said...(jumps up and frowns) TAKE IT BACK
    Max: And I said....(gets up and smirks) NO THANKS
    Dominic: You take it back before I knock that dastardly smirk off your face!
    Max: I'm not afraid of some high class blonde dude, the most thing you can do is call Campus Security
    Dominic: Just take it back or I'll be forced to punch you in the face
    Max: Hmm, your mom said the same thing, although it wasn't punch in the face, it was,'Oh Max, deeper, deeper!'
    Dominic: That's it!(snatches Max up and puches him squarely in the face)
  11. Omg xx love it xx update!!!! Xx