Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Heck yes support
  2. Support - the people have spoken!
  3. /insert rant about ata not making business decisions based off number of 'support'

    They aren't gone to begin with, you probably just don't bother joining the open merc wars that happen once or twice a week
  4. Support?
  5. I hope they bring them back. They were fun!
  6. Stop with your negativity :) We'll support them to death if we have to :lol:
  7. 4 days, no apes. Shocker. I'm sure they'll just say some garbage like, "we have listened to you, and have some great updates coming(like another of the exact same hunt). Our research has shown that the majority of players prefer the hunts and participate in them(no kidding.. it's the only option).

    Anyways, full support
  8. Support. I would like to see and experience this