Close Encounters

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I_Wont_Bow_Down_To_No_Man, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Anyone noticed how this party is all about getting 'intimate' with aliens?

    You can't even put the two words ass and hole together to form that one awesome word that we like to use from time to time, yet the devs make this kind of party even though they know there are so many underage players on the game.

    Really now, that's the best you can come up with?

    - childish af
    - something Spit would say

    Made this thread out of boredom.
    Crab me
  2. i noticed after i finished partying it said something like no one can hear their sexy scream
  3. Tf? I haven't seen that
  4. ._. Just now noticing this?
  5. check your notifications
  6. 'Don't worry, in space no one can hear you sexy scream'

    They made a typo too
  7. I don't party much lol
  8. :lol: I noticed that when the hunt first cane out
  9. Old news. Ata is a bunch of hypocrites.
  10. In conclusion, the Apes are perverse and pushing their perversion onto us. No surprise.
    Pretty irritating that they can bypass all over the party, but we can't, or risk silences, bans, and Player627347472s galore. :(
  11. Quite surprised coming from Canadians
    They're not so nice after all
    Illuminati confirmed.
  12. Isn't one of them into dorito rp?
  13. Doritos are made with palm oil. If they do dorito rp they are advertising evil .
  14. Ive been thinking about this like for a month now. You'd expect them to be nice. am i right?
  15. I love XXXterrestial lol. Pretty clever
  16. pimd_admin...I think :|
  17.  I sent ss to my Friends I thought I was the only one.