I participated in a war a few days ago. I don't think the club is VIP but the owner is. Members were told to dance to pin. Js
Actually there was strategy. Every war I lead, I spent the prep hour working on my strategy. It's more strategy than open merc wars these days considering those just come down to who can get the most people or the most VIPs/Biggest stats. Frankly I'm tired of open merc wars because of that factor. You absolutely do have to work as a team in order to win. As for the party nubs, I'm not opposed to them joining because while some are annoying, some are there to learn. I've met a lot of great new-to-war people that way and have taught them how to war. Even if ATA does bring them back, it's not like you have to participate. As for a pvp event, I'd love that too and have supported those threads. Just because we are asking for this doesn't mean I'm opposed to that concept. This is solely about the iWar issue.
Well thought out maybe if enough ppl speak up to ata they will hear them out.Enough demand for iwars may be the key.
2 hour wars require no stragety. Not sure what you spent an hour screwing off doing, but you have just as much chance to win as anyone else. Every war came down to how many actives each side had. Perhaps you are one of said noobs that think they know what they're doing but are in fact annoying as hell? No support= a paragraph explaining why my no support is invalid? Butthurt as damn hell noob. My opinion is mine, and oh look, apparently ata agrees as i don't see any beta wars do you??
I see from your profile, you've done 1 beta war so I'm not sure how you have such a great knowledge of them. You are of course entitled to your opinion as am I. I'm also entitled to respond to your opinion. The fact that you then respond by calling me butthurt and a noob indicates that you are in fact the one who is somehow butthurt by my response.