Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. I may be OCD with my stats not good for war but I SUPPORT
  2. I'm a lover not a fighter but I support this!
  3. Support ;-)
  4. Wen I first DL PIMD a bit over 2 years ago I joined beta war. the button was right there on my pro.....I had no clue wat I was doing lol didn't know the meaning of pots aside from wat we smoke lol... but we won n I was hooked.. Been on PIMD ever since lol
    It's very much part of the reason I enjoyed pimd lots more than now.

    Total SUPPORT Totally

  5. Support...I started playing pimd after this aspect of the game was already gone. it's something I know myself and many other players who never got to experience it, as well as players who have and want them back, would like this to be a part of the game.
  6. Nah I'd rather party fairy ?.... Jk Support though?
  7. I want them back. I loved them
  8. Support ??
  10. Support bring it on!!!
  11. Diddo
  12. #SupportLvlOver9000