What Could Go Wrong?!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jess5509, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Luka
    Blue grey eyes that resemble the ocean during a storm. She has long russet hair that turns red in the sunlight.

    Her advanced ability is cracking codes.
  2. Ok guys. Here are my characters:

    Sophie (extra in our grade)
    Elly (a best friend)
    Luke (Love Interest)
    Nyla (a best friend)
    Diamond (extra in our grade)
    Em (extra in an upper grade)
    Micky (a best friend)

    If your not in it, Im so sorry 
  3. It's ok I just missed it!
  4. I'll Truro put you in if I can. But you'll probably be an extra ^.^
  5. My names EMMA ROBERTS
  6. Great thanks! I apprecite the effort! :)
  7. I climbed the stairs to my dorm, and opened the door. I always had the same dorm because of my mom, the head master. We looked alot alike. Both had bright red hair, and milky tan skin, but my mom had blue eyes. I got green eyes from my dad, who disappeared on a CIA Mission when I was a baby. My mom allowed me to have the very top dorm, on the very top floor, and let me have my three best friends say with me, as long as I stayed on top of my classes.

    I set my stuff beside the window, and sat on my bed with a sigh. I surveyed my room in a single glance. "Same Ol' Same-" I was interupted by my door flying open, and my three friends Elly, Nyla, and Mickaylah, ran in, laughing and talking. Elly came over to me, her long, choclate Brown hair in curls and her Coco brown eyes shining, an gave me a hug. Her petite body was small compared to mine, but that never stopped her from being fierce. She was the smartest super genious there was. Albert Einstein had nothin on her! "Hey Jess," she said in a small voice. Before I could Reply she walked away and headed to her corner. I stood up and went over to Mickaylah. "Hey Mick!" I said with a grin. She through a "Hi" over her shoulder, and continued unpacking. She turned to me, tossing her dirty blonde hair and blinking her wide, blue eyes. The slender, extreme gymnast looked blankly at me for a moment before speaking. "Hey Chic. How long ago did you get here?" she asked. "Eh. Not that long ago." I answered. Nyla was my brown haired, brown eyed friend. I'd I mention she was the worlds best Tracker? She came over to me an through her arms around Mickaylah and me. "Hey, slow pokes, come on! Breakfast is about to start, an Jess, you know how strict your mom is about breakfast." she said with a snap of her fingers. "Lets go ladies" Elly yelled impatiently. Her soft voice could only get so loud, but we could always tell when she meant business. I kicked a purse out of the way. "Ok! Ok! Let's go get breakfast! Yeesh!" I said with fake annoyance.
  8. *Did I mention
  9. Lol I like it!
  10. adore it
  11. Really really really good but am I gonna b in it ???

    No Seriously 


  14. I don't feel like happy faces....
  15. Colleen
    Skinny but definitely slight curves red brown wavy hair brown eyes