The Crusade In Hindsight (Directed to Herakles)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. This cause of mine was intended to enhance pimd, in hindsight it has indeed alienated pimd players who would have otherwise supported our ideals.

    We should honestly cooperate, in recent days I have lessened farming and increased my emails to support.

    I apologise for my part in the derailing of some threads, and my actions towards Herakles.
  2. There was no need for details, but apology accepted. CF granted.
  3. Who would CF to you? You don't even scare me smh
  4. This whole crusade really didn't "enhance" pimd in the slightest. Nice try, though.
  5. We had a discussion in KaW and came to an agreement.
  6. This is PimD :?
  8. Requesting lock
  9. :lol: At least, someone can admit where they messed up. Even if it's for a CF. Good on ya, PipeBomb.
  10. pipebomb sold himself out .just lucky the rest of kawers got more stamina and guts and resiliance.
  11. LMAO
  12. Hi pipebomb:) that moment when kaw realizes that they lost the ending rp war "
  13. Tbh this whole crusade cpuld have been a lot better. I look forward to its progress
  14. Roni. One step at a time. Nobody sold out. It was a mutual cf which you could have been a part of. You are too stubborn for your own good.
  15. Oh damn
  16. Your org idea was not so bad. Many players do understand your main issues with rp'ers and the violations they make. I believe your true intention had gotten smothered out by useless past drama, that others felt the need to continue.
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