I thought it was silencable to mention pimd on kaw? Yes I admit I know nothing about the game because I think the environment is just... Negative on there, no ones willing to help or teach anything and the forums make no sense, like speaking another nerdier language and my brain does not compute. But even if it's not, I'm starting to wish it was a silencable offense to mention kaw on pimd. You all do my head in.
i have proof go on FrankLampard wall and click AssMoron link it changes into -V- . my friend knows assMoron and it wasnt v .
Funny part is, I wasn't in forums but maybe a mth tops. You were in it a hella lot longer. Yet I got 2 votes... says much?
ohh for fox sake you actually wrong. i been helping a pimd player whose re started on kaw .im not saying who it is but they are a massive account on pimd .
yes sure we even were in the same clan together. but i took that account out earlyier today to concentrate on my other accounts instead.
Maybe it's just that the hardcore kawers don't like pimd then so you get roasted if you mention it? Like I said idk much about it but I'm sick of hearing about it. The forums are meant to be for everyone not just these 2 noobs who have egos so big they could easily inflate a child's bouncyhouse 5x over. And to stay on topic, my tuts are all pretty much "bad boys" so htu I'd love to see you fail terribly at something
well, tbh, Pimd is no better in terms of helping noobs... Maybe when I started it was-I know Ive helped hundreds of noobs, some of them years later I end up in fw with ...but I cbb to help anyone now- part of the trap ATA lays for people to keep spending involves having active tuts ? Anyways , others have agreed with this opinion: the reason there are tons of rp and mindless noobs is cuz Pimd players are quite selfish, nobody wants to volley a 1,000 noob to 300m and explain and teach and its up to them to be lucky to find a club/pup who will... Most of em end up without the 300-500m initial volley, and just resign to rp or quit When I was small, all of us made our primary income from volleying these noobs, now it's like a painful chore compared to parties income.. I told a noob tut to volley actives to 500m and I'd hire and they unfollow me ?