Tbh I think it's a waste celebrating New Year. Nothing new gonna happen, but I'll sit on the losers bench with you.
pedro i see the comic book thread you made on kaw don't seem to be siting well with some kawers :lol:
Hey Quartz & Sparkle, guess what? No one really cares. Don't get too shocked and all, but lyke nah brah just stop.
It's Lina please. I'm just trying to understand this. I'm not hating anyone, I'm questioning your motive :lol: I just get the feeling that with all this flaming that you lost the original reason you came over. Why on earth would I be jealous of you. I don't care that people don't think I'm the best person ever so don't go accusing me if it just because you know I'm right. maybe people talk about you. But you say you have charisma and that you're the most popular person in forums. But really I don't see many positive comments about you. If you're going to come over to pimd, wreck havock and act high and mighty you better do the job you came to do and trust me I don't see any improvement. So yes we would like to know what you're doing because I don't think its working if you look in wc.
It's k. I'll let her believe in her fairytale story that she is loved and awed by many. Can't break lil girl's heart now could we?
http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopi ... 6ebfdbc703 AshesOfEden 1st place and me and WilleyDeuce joint 2nd place with 8 votes each
Yea she makes ppl laugh and forums might get a bit active. You would think she can see its bcuz many get a kick out of the jk she is.
-V- is a nobody he acquired his account from a L.B allie trader. hes on the L.b persons stats not his. v has no history on kaw. only acts big on someone elses account.