I'm BACK

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LondonRapper, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. I still remember long ago before my first inactivity, You Queeny (Idr her irl name) = bae
  2. Hello, welcome back.
  3. I remember you from wars
  4. hello BACK ^_^
  5. Leave and go live bruh
  6. Who the hell are you? *
  7. lol , I see you still enjoy that gimmick or you are butthurt because I corrected your silly mistake on another thread.
  8. No I'm just doing my thing... I'm glad you could correct that specific mistake since you make the exact same one all the time, it proves you're getting better at writing, congratulations. :)
  9. this ain't school who cares if u made a mistake
  10. as you said , some people are just too stupid to realize its a game and not actual college
  11. 
  12. You didn't use any full stops
  13. she will be mad now
  14. It's*
  15. Sorry mrs don't give me detention