you dont appreciate someone till they outter sight or not

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Quartz-, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. Do you guys pretend you have swords and magical potions here too? :lol:
  2. Upgrade then test this theory. I keep telling you bruh
  3. Are there swords in this battle?
  4. Dead

    I think this is a contender for stupid post of the year
    Comes to pimd to cause trouble and protest, boasts about virtual achievements. Tells someone else they don't have a life and basically obsessed, and only like to give insults and not receive.

    Boy I'm glad I hired you.

    And idk about you guys, but I think it's possible to multitask and browse forums and war at the same time. Do you agree?
  5. I think this should also be a contender for stupid post of the year. Noob doesn't understand the RS function hahaha
  6. I'm kind of sad. 95% of this thread's been dedicated to bickering between Bruh and Angel. I was expecting more than some catty, obsessive feud to crossover from KaW. :( *Thanks, Bruh, you dream-crusher, you.
  7. Oh damn
  8. 
  9. I think she's made of the stuff that created the "extortion" rules in farming. :roll:
  10. You people do know there is such a thing as pm... just saying '-'
  11. Why are there paragraphs
  12. I think shes upset I hired her and her ex pup didn't hire back?
  13. These people have no chill
  14. There's no such thing as "chill" in keyboard wars.
  15. Sadly, there's stacks of mods here but most only do it to get the glory. As soon as the novelty of people seeing them being mod wears off, they do nothing. You'll generally see honey, meggy, ahli and foot and that's about all.

    Once upon a time, mods were supposed to be known in the community, do something to get themselves known etc. now when the latest batch are released (one of which last time was 10k and I don't think even had the 120 day award but I may be wrong) people are trying to work out who they are. Clearly here it's a case of, find the people who support the rp way the app is going and won't answer back
  16. So this is what the kaw crusade is about? quite a let down

    putting away my popcorn?
  17. It's not as eye pleasing as one wants but the motives are noble just the actions they have made so far are questionable
  18. The first statement was that they wanted to help control our arpee problem, next statements have been that they pretty much just want to wreak havoc and "liven things up". All-in-all, bringing this messy bunch just makes KaW look bad.
  19. Facts are the only ones talking on my thread are all known to be pimd wannabes and chumps. you really think i havent been messaged and told the low down on youse wallys by pimds real superstars and legends ? you are deemed to be deemed to be idiots to the rest on pimd before we even got here. so we dont care what you smallfrys say about us. Pimds majority voice is all that matters and they think you suck.
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