Divide world

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BoxTrollz, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Prologue

    Born in September 1999. Live in a town called Keningau. Just a normal person till one day I find out that I can predict 5 minutes to the future. What a lame "gift". I never told anyone about it.
    Raise in a good family and actively involve with the church. Yea.. My face is surprisingly famous in the church as a choir member.
    Not good in sport. But feels amaze.. I can beat 100m only in 2.93 seconds. Crazy right. Feels like super human. Nah.. No one cares.
    Until one day.. 5th July 2013. That's when the story begins..
  3. Prologue 1 - a human child with a gift
    Age 14
    Name Waxmillan Connel

    Prologue 2 - a cyborg but with human flesh
    Age 22
    Name Kennedy Isiah

    2 different event ( same story)

    It's a story on how both human with gift and cyborg fight their way to save humanity from super natural creatures and mechanical robotic evil of human and beast.
  4. Correction Kennedy is 19 years old.
  5. who cares not like anyone even read this shit ?
  6. I read this!!!! Xx
  7. Nah..just trying. Spam if all want to know next chapter.
  8. Just spam. If you want to be continued.