Prologue Born in September 1999. Live in a town called Keningau. Just a normal person till one day I find out that I can predict 5 minutes to the future. What a lame "gift". I never told anyone about it. Raise in a good family and actively involve with the church. Yea.. My face is surprisingly famous in the church as a choir member. Not good in sport. But feels amaze.. I can beat 100m only in 2.93 seconds. Crazy right. Feels like super human. Nah.. No one cares. Until one day.. 5th July 2013. That's when the story begins..
Prologue 1 - a human child with a gift Age 14 Name Waxmillan Connel Prologue 2 - a cyborg but with human flesh Age 22 Name Kennedy Isiah 2 different event ( same story) Synopsis It's a story on how both human with gift and cyborg fight their way to save humanity from super natural creatures and mechanical robotic evil of human and beast.