A Sandlot Fanfiction (BoyxBoy)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by SakuralovesSasuke, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. "Hey,Smalls!" Benny cried out one day to me. We were heading to the movies with his current girlfriend. (It's been at least 5 years since he chased Hercules. I've seen him grow up to be a fantastic baseball player his skills improved since he was getting loads of practice.) I didn't mind being the third wheel thought, at least I could spend time with Benny. Wait. Why would I want to spend more time with him? I like girl's don't I? "Hi Scotty," Benny's girlfriend said to me. Her real name was Mary Sue. I forced a smile towards her. It's not that I didn't like her but, Benny been hanging out with her more lately and I never really got to see him till now. She clung onto his right arm while he has an arm around her waist. I nearly almost glared but then Benny said, "Come on Smalls we're waisting time." (Part 1)
  2. When we got to the movies we brought snacks and paid the usher. We took our seats soon afterwards and waited for the movie to begin. "Hey,are you okay?" Benny whispered
    "Um... yeah just great." I smiled slightly then turned the other way. When the movie did start I wasn't really seeing it what's worse is we decided to see one of those "romantic comedies." Why did I agree to come? I turn over and see brown eyes with a concerned look. Oh yeah that's why. It's halfway through the movie when I decided to peek at the two of them. Mary's batting her mascara laced lashes and smiling with her pink lips at Benny. I can see why he's into her because she's not exactly bad looking either. She's wearing a low cut red t-shirt that hugs her body and she has skinny light blue jeans on with black converse. To top it all off her long light brown hair makes her seem even more pretty. Benny on the other hand has his regular baseball t-shirt on with ripped dark wash jeans the top his shirt is unsightly buttoned. Honestly I'd chose him over pretty girls any day.
  3. I look over and see the two of them kissing and suddenly I get up. "You know I'm just gonna go outside I need some air." Benny frowns slightly; I turn away and walk out. It's dark outside when I exit the theater and it feels warm and muggy. I decide to just walk home. I don't really pay attention to the time as I'm walking because I'm not really heading home yet; just walking slow. Enjoying the view. I head over to the Sandlot and lay down under the treehouse. "What's wrong with me?!" I yell to the starless sky. I put a hand over my eyes and close them. I don't realize I fell asleep 'til I a twig snap. I jerk my head to see what made the noise and see Benny.
  4. Love it wall me when u update xxxxx