just an stupid idea i guess

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SantaIsNotSingle, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Don't sell yourself short m8 :(
  2. stupidity at its finest
  3. Computer? LOL wot
  4. You actually can have PIMD on Mac , Mac is a computer.
  5. Please stop crying ?
  6. Well ain't u adventurous
  7. wow so you know the secret of life
  8. If you think the secret of life is having PIMD on Mac, you have issues lol
  9. sarcasm is international language and if you thought i was serious then you have issues
  10. Lol you always get so butt hurt ?
  11. yes im the butthurt one here lol
  12. NO SUPPORT. What if you want to hide your tb splattered in tons of cheap tutors? No support. This feature is part of the game and its tactics.

  13. I'm sorry you don't like me.?I'm so hurt NOT  GO troll OMAR
  14. Stupid grammar too
  15. You're*
    Thank you.
  16. lol , kiss her butt again wow, she just corrected you ?
  17. I just wanted to quote the Kitten Mittens :mrgreen: