A Fallen Angel. A Deceived Snob.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MickyMcLovin, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. :O You dirty cheater Brandon! :D
  2. U said he has a twin dumdumdum was it rly brandon lol i have no ideaor im just cluelesss lol
  3. Lol Jess it's ok, your getting it on with my jhon
  4. elena shhhhh
  5. Nice going ... Mikayla is .. Im 
  6. This whole story is really good
  7. I'm loving these comments!!!! Keep it coming guys!!! Lol
  8. - Omqee , Imm Gettinn Impatient Lol Moree Morree Pleasee .
  9. Lol!! Oh Jhhhooonnnn 
  10. keep your paws off my man you souless Ginger!!!!
  11.  Keep ypunpaws off Mah Μαπ!!
  12. NEVER!!!! I get them both!!! Omg did you read jonnys story? ITS AMAZING!!!

    Is it bad that I'm advertising other peoples stories on my own thread...?
  13. I love it!! Keep goin!!!
  14. Will do ma'am!

    "Brandon!! Brandon, dear god, wake the hell up!!" screamed a perfect voice. One voice that I knew all too well.
    "Mickayla! What happened?" I was starting to come back to my senses and the only thing that I could remember was holding this beautiful girl in my arms. Oh I still wanted to hold her. I don't care If Chloe IS my girlfriend, I wanted to protect mickayla.
    "You Brandon, got knocked out. I drugged you and carried you back to my place." she said with a shrug of her shoulders.
    "wow wow. Wait a second. You drugged me? And I'm way bigger than you. You can't carry me! You had to have had someones help!" I was being pretty calm about all this, I wasn't scared of her and I knew she wouldn't hurt me.
    "well I'm not who you think I am dear! And you won't find out until I'm just about done with you!" she said with a twirl and a wave. Was she high?!?
    "Mickayla your scaring me. What's going on? Where's Chloe?"
    At this her eyes went wide and she turned towards me.
    "What do you mean. Your her boyfriend. She...told you, didn't she?" her voice was cautious and she edged closer towards me.
    "No. She didn't tell me anything. She wasn't in school today. Why? Is there something I should know?" what was going on. Where is my Chloe?! Mickayla screamed and pulled at her hair. She was angry. And for once. She didn't look perfect. In fact, she looked kinda demonic.
    "this is bad, Brandon!!! I know where she is now and it's NOT good!! C'mon! We have to go get her!!" her voice was still sweet and i couldn't help but stare into those eyes as she untied me and led me to her car.


    "So lemme get this straight." Chloe said with a Sigh of disbelief. "Brandon and Luke aren't supposed to be fallen. But this Anaita lady, she was in cahoots with Mickayla, Manakel. Anaita was her follower. And so she snuck into the boys nursery, and dropped them. Raphael was furious. His boys were never found. Mickayla was also upset because what she wanted was to kill the boys. She wanted her powers back. So she became apart of the fallen and roams the earth searching for them. And she has found them and now plans to kill Brandon. But....why not Luke? And where do you come into this picture?" I could see Chloe's eyebrows furrow with confusion and I knew I had to tell her.
    "well you see, it doesn't matter which twin. But Raphael had only wanted one son. Everyone had believed that Luke had just been an extra. Have you noticed how Luke's identical to Brandon, but doesn't have that natural glow? Brandon has more power." I tried to explain but even for me, this whole thing sounded like some sorta screwed up prank.
    "And how do you know all of this Jhon?" her glare was pointed and even with her hands tied behind her back, I knew she was clenching and unclenching them. Angry.
    "I am Gabriel. I inspire love, joy
  17. "I am Gabriel. I inspire love, joy and justice. The most pure angel of us all that has fallen in love with a fallen angel. My sweet little Manakel."