Hire me!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --_Olivia_--, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Hey I was overpriced but I think I've upgraded enough and could use a new pupil! Please hire me if possible
  2. FYI pupils benefit you in no way whatsoever
  3. Why do you want a new pupil?
  5. Just use me like a one time tissue to blow your nose :(
  6. Quick tip just because you upgrade to good stats doesn't mean you need a pupil. If you got to those stats with that pupil then that most likely means that you have a good pupil who helped you grow. I recommend keeping your pupil. Unless they didn't help at all
  7. OK I hired and dropped you. Now you have no pupil ?. Hope this helps!

  8. Rude. :lol:
  9. Wth is this doo doo ?
  10. Lolol
  11.  nice
  12. :lol: