Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Collaborate with a friend and make a story. Make the storytelling alive again
  2. I've had lots of sugar ? am super hyper  you're taking the fun out of it ?people don't geddit
  3. I think mods just youtube docos on how to pimd :s
  4. Yes that is cheating ? No support 
  5. There's already rehab :eek: . Go apply there :eek: !!!!
  6. it is not that brilliant
  8. Ok support?
  10. Bumpity bump
  11. you are not fredria, you are irinaruffleyourfeather but with new name, and this idea is as scudu as all your previous ideas
  12. Support^
  13. So Hi, my name is Floccinaucinihilipilification, and I'm not an rp nerd on weekdays, I'm an alcoholic. I think pimd should open a rehab for all the alcoholics. Support plz ty
  14. Definitely cheating. Jokes
  15. Actually, rina is short for Fredrina which is how my nickname started..  and you're no fun if you don't love the idea 
  16. Support for this too ️