Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Mmkay so hi, my names Fredrina, and I'm not an alcoholic. What I am though is a TOTAL rp nerd  so I had this brilliant idea for me and my fellow rp-nerd-aholics  PIMD should introduce a rehab for us! That way we can seek help if we wish to stop our awful habits (but I mean.. We may need to be bribed.. We REALLY love our addictions to word plays) and help to make PIMD a better place  so, who's with me?!  (cue the cricket noises..). Pretty please with strawberries on top support my idea! With only a couple it's obvious PIMD will introduce it. And hey.. I should so get points for my spelling. I'm not much of a shorthand rp nerd 
  2. Or just delete the game..?
  3. If i support this and i know what its about is that cheating?

  4. maybe a darker color? :( it's a bit too bright and bold
  6. Sorry Juliet!!  hope that helped!!
    Oh Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo  I'd rather stay here and ask for rehab ?
  7. I dunno ?
  9. Tea
  10. Lol. my sarcasm sense is tingling
  11. 
    Come on.. It's a perfect idea  we gotta help those in need! Does no one do charity these days? Little support goes a long way ?
  12. Lmao  Support :p
  13. You aren't fredrina?
  14. ^
  15. Oh hey fluxie?
  16. I like the color text you used op. It's pretty. I support your color choice.
  17. :)
  18. Wouldn't that be feeding your problem give it more power
  19. I dont get how this will help? And how can
    Ata implement a Rehab for RPers?
    Give an example please