Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by ROUG3, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. Iria ashworth a child of the slums born in the capital of Cirencester one of the four dominant capitals of the land (humans) learning to steal is to survive she becomes a well known thief in her capital since a young age. known as the red witch. Her only source of happiness seems to be eden and stealing from nobles and guards .Day and day out she clashes with vieno brace top guard dog to the king also her rival or so he likes to think . Branded a witch people whisper about dark arts and powers . oh if only they knew how true that is .life takes a turn into an interesting direction when she meets fox a fellow thief . Yet she ends up befriending the witty young man after they have a brief scuffle over a artifact they both try to steal that is . (who wins you ask read and find out) impressed by her skills she gets imitated into a secret society of thieves. Soon after tragedy strikes forcing her to discover she has powers far greater and and far deadlier than anyone ever imagined.what will fate have in store for our young scoundrel we shall soon find out
  2. Prologue

    A scream of agony crawls up my throat as I hold the brown leather bound handle of the dagger. Feeling the intricate designs of dragons carved into the hide while it slides against my slick palm. Giving it a experimental tug a warm rush of blood flows down my side. Wiping my face, i feel Sweat drip down the curve of my nose. my hair clinging to my temples, plastering itself against my cheeks and neck. Managing to stay soundless, squaring my shoulders I mentally yell at myself. Come on you can do this just get it over with. jerking as my body is racked with spasms of pain I pull harder at the curved silver blade logged deeply between my second and third rib. Feeling it's jagged edge wrench at my flesh I clamp my jaw shut to keep from crying out. breathing in shakily I pull harder. in one swift motion I tear it from my body my blood splattering against the ground.

    Feeling it scrape against bone on the way out my back arches involuntarily, eyes roll back into my head as a strangled cry escapes my lips. fuck. Crumpling to my knees I let out shallow wet gasps blood filling my mouth. leaning my shoulder against the red brick wall covered in dust as it falls apart under my touch in try to get my breathing under control." did you hear that it came from over there I think she's close." The sound of clanking metal and feet thudding against the ground travels to my ears . Clamping my hand over the wound tightly I feel blood ooze from between my fingers . fucking hell how could I have messed up so bad I need to go NOW!. Pulling my cloak closer to my body I stagger to my feet stuffing the dagger through my belt. "THERE SHE IS GET HER!. " "fucking shit." looking over my shoulder I notice its same two guards from the tower clad in their metal armor. Blindingly shiny even in the dim light of dusk i squint my eyes to make out their faces. yep same guys and still butt ugly it seems the darkness doesn't help.

    Chuckling under my breath at my joke i take off into a run (i do that a lot). I bolt down the darkened alleyway, leaning heavily on my right side . Breath coming in uneven pants I keep running my feet thumping against the Ground. heart stuttering I slow my pace daring a quick look over my shoulder .sure enough there they were still hot on my trail. "We almost got you girl you won't get away just you wait till we get our hands on you." Screamed the more burlier of the two. Is this it , will I be caught and hanged for my thievery.or maybe something even worse at the hands of those brutes. "NO NOT TODAY." I yell at them as i flip them the bird. I will not die at the hands of these buffoons hell no! I just need to think. Pushing my legs faster I feel my pants chafe,blood soaking into the the black wool they cling to my body.breaking from the alleyway I run into a horde of people. Most likely ready for a light night at the brothels and taverns .

    Looking around frantically I search for an escape route anyway to get away from my pursuers. Maneuvering through the crowd I spot a small crevice between two buildings. Practically undetectable unless that's exactly what you were looking for. aha! They shouldn't be able to fit with all that armor. Sprinting over I throw myself into the gap squeezing through. "You're not going anywhere you little witch." Feeling my arm being yanked savagely I let out a cry of protest."let go of me." "Now now little thief were going to have some fun with you before taking you to the gallows to get your pretty neck hung." Cackling evilly he pulls me out the rest of the way. Gripping my upper arm in his meaty hands he digs his nails into my flesh. Hissing from anger and pain I spit at his face still marked with the wounds I inflicted earlier "In your dreams you filthy pig." Putting my whole weight behind my kick i aim or his knee.slaming my steel toed boot into his joint I feel it cave. a vicious grin spreading across my face I listen to the satisfying snap of his bones. Laughing at his screams of anguish his body buckling. watch him fall onto his good knee I stare at him coldly bringing my fist down on his face. Jumping away the second he let's go of my arm to grasp at his knee. I dive for my only chance at survival. Praying he stays down long enough for me to get out of reach.
  3. Lol no comments yet 
  4. My stories never get comments, so don't feel bad. Pretty much the only ones that do are stupid ones and overly romantic ones.
  5. Either that, or just the ones who are popular.
  6. Lol right ill look at your stuff hehe