
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _-iEroAmAnEnchantedNightmare-_, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. If you could tell you one year younger self anything, what would you tell? ??
  2. Um don't be stupid ? jk it wouldn't help. Still dumb ??
  3. Don't get attached to that girl you'll end up working with?ill regret it
  4. To stop procrastinating, but then again, I've been telling myself that since 5th grade and nothing's changed :lol:
  5. to care less about what people think :)
  6. To make sure you're happy. You can't live your life pretending to be happy, and pleasing everyone else instead. Your happiness, your well being, needs to come first sometimes. And that's okay
  7. Yas bae yas ??
  8. :cry: like those weird people always say, " tea
  9. The scores from a bunch of games so she could make bets
  10. Nothing at all. Because the things/events that you been through has made you the person that you are now. If u change that then u might change something making that not you ?
  11. ? this is why I slid into the wild stud's pm ??
  12. She power Slamed into my pm*?
  13. Kinky ?
  14. You should have turned left instead of going straight, because you got totally lost and almost ran over that jogger ?
  15. I'd tell my younger self to enjoy it! Don't rush anything.
  16. Hide your videos better.
  17. Hello...its me...from the future
  18. Don't download PIMD
  19. To save so that can be BC when t8 come out
  20. You loved it ?