
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RedSlushy, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    You tried it!!
  2. When I saw this Thread I was expecting you to talk about building up an empire of slushies of all colors 
  3. Oh I will
  4. Mess...its trash now I fell asleep the last 2 episodes
  5. Still debating about whether or not I want to watch it. ?
  6. I have to binge watch because apparently Jamal kisses a girl and I need to know ?
  7. Never seen a minute of it
  8. Just add imgfit instead, not that url crap
  9. Caught up on all episodes can't wait till fall finale
  10. No  i meant i just finished this weeks episode
  11. U can catch all the seasons on hulu.... Big fan of hustle n flow, so I was excited to lean this series came out. I think cookie plays a great role.. Yes the kiss with Alicia keys blew my mind!!! And plz don't tell me that was the season finally.... There's way too much still to happen lol !!! I thing Andres wife is lying about her pregnancy..and I'm incredibly interested to see this cook off party and what's going to happen there!!!
  12. Grays anatomy ?
  13. Bae's Anatomy? I adore that damn show so much?
  14. Grey's* :(
  15. Yasss ??
  16. Soz my ac did that :cry:
  17. Give this woman a cookie?
  18. I want it back!!!!
  19. Excuses, excuses 