Black Friday

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pullen, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Black Friday was originally for buying slaves for cheap back in the slavery days.
  2. ?
  3. Someone needs history help
  4. Tell me more ?
  5. I'm staying inside and shopping online, Got pushed like 10x's last year, ain't nobody got time for that :roll:
  6. Preach.. and it smelled like arse
  7. ?
  8. I say middle finger to Black Fridays it's a joke...they go lets mark things down and watch stupid asses fight and start a riot it's so easy for people to be blinded to company's greed. Glad my two jobs said fuck you and closed so family's can be with family and not worried about working. Family's just spent money on ThanksGiving food and it's followed by Black run and spend more fools 
  9. I would hate to work at Walmart best buy etc during black friday
  10. Im gonna be at home, chilling, eating Thanksgiving leftovers on Black Friday??
  11. Black people take it for black friday
  12. Chilling with who? ??
  13. Not you
  14. Burn baby burn
  15. With Grey's Anatomy?
  16. This could've been you :roll:

    I heard it was good, but never got to actually watch it ?