Just a story that popped into my head from an earlier post about murders which in turn lead me to creat this character and her story you could say i just started it i will say now nit the best at spelling or my grammar but i was like "why not" and so im posting this at this moment be advised it is gory and not meant for the younger users heck some older ones may find it disturbing so ya shout out to the person who posted the murder rp group thing and well enjoy i guess bye
CHAPTER ONE PART ONE The strong pungent metallic odor hung heavy in the air assaulting my nose as i watched the blood drip from Mrs. Samantha's fragile naked body still covered in fresh bruises from the night before. Purple ones layered over older greenish yellow ones from days before. Maybe she wasn't the culprit but she still deserved death for letting it happen as she cowered in fear of her husband pretending nothing happened in the next room. She knew what he did and closed her eyes and ears to the truth. Justice has been carried out and for her cowardice she has also been judged by the edge of my blade. Still she looked quite fetching covered in blood ravishing even. Her usually bouncy honey colored hair stained red from the neck down and her baby blues dull and flat yes she was a sight to see. Pivoting on my feet i face Mr.David staring at him intently as i walk over looking at the duct tape firmly over his lips. A smirk twitching itself onto my lips at the sight. Sliding my blood covered hand across his cheek cupping it whispering as my eyes twinkle with joy “ i have wanted to hurt you for so long lets hope you last longer than she did.” Leaning up on my tippy toes i begin to process of cutting open his veins vertically from wrist to elbow relishing in his muffled screams. Enjoying every minute of the drag of my blade over his skin as i study his face to remember the anguish i had inflicted. Watching the slow glide of his blood down his arms sends me into a fit of giggle. A simple thought crossed my mind as he struggled in the ropes. If one can not move their feet one cannot run. So that lead to action of me Squatting down and cutting his achilles tendon quickly and cleanly, years of practice will do that. Practice with what you ask well let's just say I'm not a puppy and kitten type of girl. Letting him crumble to the floor only to be stopped by the rope attached to the ceilings low rafters that bind his meaty wrist. Hearing the snap then pop of his shoulders accompanied by another scream as they are yanked from their sockets at the sudden drop of his weight. After a couple minutes of listening to his sobs of agony savoring them i press the kitchen knife to his throat looking into his eyes as i slide it firmly run along the carotid artery. Blood splatters my face coating my eyelashes and hair making them stick to my face. Letting it drench into my clothes as his vain pokes out of his skin at an awkward angle gushing his fluid all over the baby blue carpet. While fixing the angle of the vein to control the blood direction a strong sense of deja vu hit me as i watched the crimson drops plop into the plastic containers under them creating ripples along the red liquid. It set my heart racing which very tittle did in this life.
CHAPTER ONE part two cant handle the first part dont read the second lol Bits in pieces of something lost in my head emerged in my mind clouded by a thick fog. All that was clear was blood lots of blood pooling on a freezing concrete floor a tall willowy man with a face shrouded in shadows and a blade sharp and cold against the moonlight that streamed into an unfamiliar room. Then it cleared it was gone just like that leaving me puzzled to their meaning . Shaking the confusing images from my head i walk to the old rusted red tool chest i hauled up from the basement hours ago. Davis struggles had already ceased and his body had gone limp just as well his obese grime covered body was annoying to look at not beautiful at all. Pulling out the electric craftsman hand saw from the tool chest setting it aside for the larger limbs. I began the outlining of the places i would cut with a water based black marker so i'd make things symmetrical. i was picky like that well at least with my artwork it had to be perfect. After letting the body's drain i start on the fingers and toes cutting them off with a pair of heavy duty clippers tossing them randomly over my shoulders as i went. Then came the ankles and hands which i needed the The saw for. Sweat dripped from my brow as i squinted against the splatter of blood that sprayed from the flesh as the saw tore into it. Hearing the scrape of bone one metal was louder than i had imagined but sounded just as sweet as it did in my dreams.That's how it continued until all that hanged from the rope was two pairs of swaying forearms. Limbs scattered over the floor told the story of my sweet revenge in a most amazing way. Picking up the buckets of blood i head to the master bathroom with its large tub dumping the contents into it. Striping my yellow sundress off my shoulders letting it pull on at my feet i dip my toes into the blood filled tub sighing in contentment of the feel of it on my skin. I loved the coppery scent blood makes as it connects with skin. Sinking into the mass of life's essence i lay back keeping only my face above the liquid. A small laugh escapes from my lips at first it was more of a whisper but it continued to grow and grow until i was bursting with laughter. I haven't felt this good in quite a while i can't remember when was the last time i laughed and honest laugh. Wiggling my crimson covered toes i close my eyes fully submerging myself in the blood staying there until the last possible second before suffocation. you must be confused about this mess i find myself in. Let me start from the beginning and maybe you can grasp the reasoning behind what i did or maybe you can't i do not care. Let's start shall we maybe i can teach you a thing or two as i recant my story while i wait for the cops to get here. It should be quite interesting to hear of my tragic life if one would consider it that. Anyways here we go.