Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Noodle express did not drop
  2. Draw Manga didn't drop
  3. DCCXI now trying Enjoi j-Pop
  4. Bps has dropped already so I believe it's not suppose to drop again hun 
  5. Checking cosplay, lunatix
  6. The past weekend we have three days of fake art 101 maybe drops again
  7. Yeah but the 3 days of fake art was just for the mini hunt because it would've been a bit pointless to change it each day. Still, no harm in checking. We have had the same potd 2 days in a row before.
  8. IT will test BIJ once finished with noodle pro.
  9. Hype machine didn't drop
  10. Just dance did not drop
  11. Just Dance does not drop - JustSmile
  12. I thought new drops start at 2pm PST
  13. 3pm
  14. Noon PST, 2pm central time, 3pm eastern time
  15. 12pm PST, 3PM EST
  16. FA101 confirmed not dropping. TEAM 90 to check Big in Japan.
  17. ZU checking jpop
  18. DCCXI is doing jpop
  19. Multiple clubs checking is ok as one may finish faster and confirm one way or another