Circle of Murderers (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Satans_Crow, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. A building. That's where you find yourself. You can't remember how you got there or why... For now. Locked doors are everywhere, but the key cards are scattered, each one only to be used on only one door, which will then only be allowed to lock and unlock that one door. Seems fairly simple, right? Well there's a catch... You're all murderers. One of your own put you all in there, hoping to be the only survivor. But who can you trust, when everyone amongst you is a suspect?

    Age: (nothing under 18 please)
    Murder(s): (please be realistic about the murdering your character did. By realistic, I mean nothing like "killed 100 people and remained uncaptured" or anything like that. However, it can be as messed up as you want it to be.)
    Circle of Hell: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, Treachery (this will be a tattoo somewhere on the body of your character. Please state spot)
    (As a side note, everyone can seem suspicious of being guilty. I will message the person that I want as the true murderer. As well... characters WILL die, so don't get too attached. However, is the murderer is not found, new characters can join the existing ones. As well, I will not say when the murderer is chosen, so it could be one of these characters that join late. Happy hunting.)
  2. Name: Vex Laufey
    Age: 19
    Murder(s): Killed his parents
    Circle of Hell: Heresy/Limbo (one on each shoulder)
    Bio: Grew up in a Christian household. He was never baptized, as well as never prayed. However, he went to church and attended a Christian school. He has always been an atheist, which his parents frowned upon.
    Extra: Has started to transfer from Atheism to paganism.
  3. Name: Raven Blackwell
    Age: 18
    Appearance: ... yzdzkt.jpg
    Murder(s): Killed her father and a woman
    Circle of Hell: Limbo (circling on her right wrist)
    Bio: Raven lived a normal life until she got in the mail pictures of her father with another woman and a note saying 'Will you let him get away with it?' Raven tried to ignore it but when her mother died her father came home with the same woman. In her rage she killed them.
  4. NAME: Aria red
    APPEARANCE: ... YwodqcUJBw

    MURDER: she killed her family except for her beloved baby brother who was at the time only 6 months old using a pair of kitchen knives as the murder weapon. she used crushed sleeping pills in their dinner to drug them taking her time in stringing them up on the ceilings Rafters waiting for them to awaken. As time ticked on she set up a camera to catch her work as a trophy. When they finally awoke she began to slowly cut open each of their major arteries first the mother so her father could watch his wife suffer before she preceded to do the same to him letting them bleed onto a metal bucket .after they were finished draining she started to chop them up their fingers and toes went first then the wrist and ankles and she continued like that until she reached their necks leaving the heads hanging in front of the door. She scattered the limbs over the house before going to the tub filling it with her collected blood she bathed in it laughing merrily the whole time until she fell asleep soaking in the blood wistful.
    CIRCLE OF HELL: violence on her cheek under her right eye
    BIO: A smart girl living in a foster home since she was 1 she wasn't what you would considered a normal child she was cold and cruel but that was in her mind only outside she would impersonate what she considered a happy girl would act like she was popular and liked for her persona but something was wrong inside her seriously wrong she was broken she would see people as tools and objects to use as leverage or to gain something she would imagine the sound of them screaming as she tortured them to break them with her own hands she was a narcissistic sadist and she loved started with small animals though she could never hurt children she never know why.but then again she didn't care why she didn't care for anything really. She went to school and did her homework she was the perfect child that is until she saw her step father touching little jason the wrong way(her baby step brother) she had suffered at his sands or so people would say something in her snapped that moment she didn't rampage or burst into a fit of fury no her mind worked on a plan a plan that would let her kill them without interruption and after devising her plan she carried it out.
  5. (That is severely messed up, but accepted since that is what I asked for lol)
  6. (I'll join later. Seems like it'll be pretty fun but shouldn't you set rules about the actual killing? Because someone is just gonna kill everyone all willy nilly haha)
  7. Name: Kara Rose
    Age: 21

    Murder(s): she's murdered ten people, used a dating site to find targets which she can easily get rid of. Once she just managed to escape the hold of police by acting as a passerby.
    Circle of Hell: Fraud top of upper right arm, Violence along the bottom of her back, Lust wrapped around her left ankle
    Bio: she comes from a slightly disturbed upbringing unless you include her mum killing her dad to be with his best friend which happened to be the man they were both seeing behind each other's backs. However her mum didn't anticipate Kara getting sent home from school early due to illness and Kara witnessed the whole murder. She slipped into the routine of wearing a mask pretending she was okay. However gets constant reminders in her dreams at night. She first started killing when she accidentally stabbed her boyfriend's best friend after he tried shaking her out of a nightmare. Her boyfriend got framed and then sent down for it while Kara started to reinvent her identity and use aliases to attract the men to kill. This has been happening for about two years but each time she kills them differently so they aren't all linked to one profile of a person.

    Name: Kaiv Hayes
    Age: 24

    Murder(s): killed 23 people which were dependent on him when he found that one of them were manipulating him and stealing from him. As there was no solid evidence to which one it was, he got rid of the 23 people he had taken into his block of flats he was renovating at the time. His building supplies helped a lot with the disposal job that he done.
    Circle of Hell: Anger inside of his right arm closer to his elbow, Treachery winds around his torso just above his abs.
    Bio: was caring until he stabbed most of the 23 in the back and then murdered them all individually while the others watched. He renovated buildings and houses for a living until he folded that in after his last job. Now he just travels and avoids his past as much as possible.
  8. Name: Kiyo Wakash.ita
    Age: 19
    Murder(s): Orphans
    Circle of Hell: Violence on her nape.
    Bio: Raised and in a orphanage with no knowledge of her parents, she had nobody to call her friends. Bullies and people with bad influences led her to a darker path and she took their word. She became violet which led to the death of the people running the orphanage and a few other orphans. Kiyo was kept in jail and sent to a mental hospital where she escaped from.
    Extra: Her name is Japanese. Kiyo means 'Happy' and her last name (Wakashi.ta) means 'forever young'
    (I had to put the . in the last names because it was being censored.
  9. (The second skelly is like the Jeff the Killer without the "Go to Sleep" phrase and the whole being burnt alive part)
  10. (Accepted. Btw... Love the anime that Kito's pic comes from! Lol)
  11. (Haha ya i tried to make it messed up  i did pretty well id say lmao)