ideal type

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takane-no-Hana, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. ^ lyke you bb ? you still haven't hmu
  2. ^ I'm waiting for the right time to propose you :cool:
  3. ^ omgee you're kitten boo ? i thot you were cheating on me w eni
  4. Is enigma still relevant? :?
  5. Your talking about yourself as if you Regina George or Angelina Jolie or something with all your "standards". Go study for your grade 1 spelling bee or something
  6. ^ welcome to the forums
  7. I don't know you never ever heared of you. Like never even a whisper of your name. Your popularity level is as low as Donald Trump winning the elections.
  8. Is he? ? You tell me
  9. Ew Donald trump
  11. Donald trumps hair
  12. Good question :cool: maybe
  13. Ahh I really want to meets a guys as rich as Donald trump.. his son not that bad though... cute
  14.  but you love moi
  15. now that's my type 

  16. They both look like vampires
  17. Lol
  18. Haha! Oh ya.. Dem boys! :?