PIMD Problems

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. ??? Not judging.
  2. Do not make me laugh like that at work, Nick. I will have to explain why.
  3. Just tell them straightforwardly. "I laugh because I have problems in my dorm."
  4. "What on your phone can make you do that with your face?"
  8. That last one was like really funny. You're doing a good job. God bless :)
  9. I love the way you presented the problems good work  :)
  10. I suddenly feel the need to re-evaluate my life
  11. That moment when a friend asks you: hey what u playing there, explain.
    answer: throwing cats into a party :-|
    And the awkward silence begins...
  12. :lol: the comments just make it better
  13. This 