SERIOUSLY THO WHY DO WE iOS USERS HAVE TO PAINFULLY SEND GIFTS BY GOING PROFILE SEND GIFT SEARCH FOR THE LATEST KEY WHICH FOR SOME REASON ISNT AT THE TOP OR BOTTOM BUT SOMEWHERE RANDOM IN THE MIDDLE FINALLY FIND IT SEND 1 THEN LOL GG BACK TO THEIR PROFILE HOPE YOU ENJOY HITTING SEND AGAIN AND SCROLLING FOR ALL YOUR WORTH TO FIND THAT KEY YOU PROMISED TO SEND 130 OF BUT SPENT THE LAST 10 MINUTES SENDING YOUR SECOND ONE ? seriously though either allow us to send multiple, allow gift spamming or give an actual reason why you make it so hard and time consuming to use Wouldnt even b hard u could keep it same way but have a drop down box for amount to send, a quick check when you try to send to check if your going over the other players max for that particular item, cant send more than 10 As it currently is, i am on iOS and ive had several people back out of deals to trade for keys simply because they know it will take around 15 minutes for me to send everything, where as droid can do a brisk trade gift spamming quickly and getting better deals as they basically get a convenience surcharge on their deals. This is particularly evident when gifts are released with 100 maximum for the same deal of sending 100 of said item, an iOS could for example get 10 keys where as droid could easily get 15 as its more convenient. To me that doesnt seem fair but that could just b because im on the side that gets less ? ? like come on everyone, even those on droid know this needs to happen despite it not benefiting you guys at all. so show your support below hopefully if we get enough support things will change
If that were the case they would charge ec to buy mass pots... The codes there just not where it should b