As this is true, parties should try and get completed after 12 pm PDT (just in case if Ata switched to PDT time now). In other words, clubs should try to complete parties in 31 minutes. All Clubs Doing Sky High Party Please Report if drops are still dropping for you guys and if they are not. PM Academy was still getting drops at 11:12 PST which is pretty late for ATA. So this either means ATA hasn't switched drops yet/late, or sky high could still be POTD for today too. Until we know more, clubs report in on if sky high still drops and if it doesn't please.
Yeep thanks for the email/sharing. As ata likes to throw us curve balls, anybody that finishes a Skyhigh still share if drops are still happening. Other than that, keep on checking guys.
drop times may have changed again, keep checking POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Fake Art 101 Arcade (Mis)fire Dumpster Dive Counter Culture Cosplay Please Skyhigh Party Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Blue Plate Special: Lucky Ducklings Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING PRO 10/30 unknown Just Dance! (PRO) Draw Manga (PRO) Afternoon Delight (PRO) Fake Art 101 (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Being Checked Blue Plate Special: Lucky Ducklings Anime Expo (PRO): Jejune Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO): Tributes Art Starzzz (PRO): TSK Blue Plate Special (PRO): WTC Cabana Cool (PRO): Matrix Cosplay Please (PRO): Royale Counter Culture (PRO): BN Dumpster Dive (PRO): -e- Enjoi J-POP (PRO): JD Factory Art (PRO): Mystical First World Problems (PRO): NL Hype Machine (PRO): IT Limo Luxury (PRO): Ex Noodle Express (PRO): L7 Skyhigh Party (PRO): Mobsters No Hand Breaks! (PRO): CL Parties Which Needs To Be Checked Blue Plate Special: Lucky Ducklings Big In Japan (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO)
If any clubs need help searching for potd please wall me. I would like to be productive til potd is found
Kingdom of rust got drops from skyhigh after the set time 7pm gmt, (I don't do alien timezones so I don't know what time pdt is)
I don't know mate, I still don't understand why ATA keeps using a local timezone when the whole world uses gmt as official timezone, and, the larger part of the community refers to gmt as well