Ummmmm, ok, so you made a website devoted to yourself? And that makes you famous???? And I love the cartoon on the page that you created that says "girlfriend auditions-no darkies". That should get you tons more fans :roll:
This thread tho. All i gotta say is if you think some of us are playing seriously by attacking you and taking your virtual money, then I've got some news for you. Some, if not most people, who use the pvp aspect of the game rarely care about the virtual money. And since you're complaining about how important it is to have this virtual money, i think you should stop taking this game seriously. I really wouldn't care what type of illness anyone has, id hit anyone regardless. This is a game and i treat it as such. If the illness is serious as you say it is, then you should probably be doing something else other than pimd. Spitfire, get in my newsfeed.
Firstly, posting forums complaining about incoming, whether a great number or small, will result in you getting much more incoming and people trolling you. Secondly, talking as you do to people trying to explain this is probably what got you into the mess to begin with, and doing so is just going to cause people to delink their accounts, make and upgrade a noob account. Unload on you with their free dn, and then delink their main accounts (this does happen). Thirdly, they are probably "picking" on you due to your actions. Not your autism. Don't use it as an excuse, take a bipolar, you don't see them goin up to people, saying it doing something and then telling them not to retaliate because of it. Take responsibility of your actions and their consequences. Welcome to a large adulthood principle. Lastly, posting links not Pimd related is a violation of ToU and FCoC, so locking, removing links, and see you tomorrow.
This happened once before when two mods locked at once. Same thing here :lol: relocking (dun snipe me this time elder mod)