please stop spam attacking me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_9PiPe-IlIlIl-FlAiL1_-, Nov 4, 2015.

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  1. OP too small for me to attack!

    Nuuuuuuu! I wish I could get him!
  2. Whoa a bunch of badasses on this thread :eek: lets face it lyke half of you if not more would probably make a thread, post "open farm" on campus or just get your friends on the person. Lol
  3. I don't have speakers or friends :cry: pls luv meh
  4. Uh, we met through campus chat ?
  5. Did we? :? Wow. Awkward.
    Donate speakers to the Harmonian Society. @ATA
  6. I love you 5ever <3
  8. Wow, have my children.
  9. How could you forget ? Now I see how much I mean to you :cry:
  10. LOL dude. Don't ask about my memory. I have the brain of a grandma on steroids.
  11. 
  13. True tbh LOL
  14. Ah man that was the best joke I've read on here in a while, stick around yo!
  15. His gonna be my perm farm 
  16. for any issue email, include your username, game you play, and the issue.
    remember, send one message and wait dont spam
  17. {link removed}
    Im the famous creator of Sonichu so know who you're talking to.
  18. and I'm the President of the USA, SUCK IT!
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