Today I.......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BEWBS, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. Hey Bewbs here

    Ok so we all have those totally embaressingly cringy moments right? Right!?.....can't just be me. :|

    Anyway this actually happened to me today.

    I work in a friendly, well-known company and have been there for some time now. All the staff are close and give hugs and kisses to the cheek quite often.

    Today my CO came over to introduce me to someone who is hoping to become a corporate client and went in for a hug.

    I was totally unprepared and only got one arm around, the other was left straggling and I accidently cupped his man doolies.

    We both know I cupped his dooleys, we exchanged a 'I know you know I just felt your nuts looks'.

    I spent the next 30 mins in the toilet shuddering in shame. :cry:

    What's the most cringy moment that's happened to you? 
  2. Double Post
  3. Yup, my connection is totes lame
  4. I was walking into a move section to watch Straight Outta Compton and I was crossing over people to get to the seat I wanted to sit at. I accidently fell on the girl's bewbs and I tried getting up but I was having a hard time cause there was no space. I fell a couple of times on her bewbs, but the moment I got up, her bf gave me a murderous look. I had no regrets that night.
  5. :lol: thanks for sharing, that made me laugh!

    I also work in a large corporation, and by no means am I a morning person. My co workers know I need to have a little coffee before I even. So, one morning I walked out of the elevators onto my floor and a group of my coworkers were chatting by my desk. I stopped to say good morning and listened to the convo for a minute, until I realized my dress was inside out and backwards. I shouted words that are against tou and ran to the bathroom to adjust. When I got back to my desk, my coworkers were still there laughing. :( its still a joke among them.
  6. This is GOLD :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Both brilliant  thanks for sharing.
  8. My son was playing up in a shop, the way kids do, i told him off the way that sleep deprived mothers he then shouts inside the whole shop 'PLEASE EXCUSE MY MUMMYS SHOUTING, SHE CANT HELP IT SHES HAVING HER PERIOD!'
  9. Op, be happy. You got paid and got to feel someone up. No regrets  Next time ask them out.
  10. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, I cupped your doolies, go out with me maybe?
  11. Gotta love kids

  12. yeah and this is why you don't take advise from people on pimd
  13. thanks op that's gonna be my pick up line type of thing to see if the guy likes it or not 
  14. That's kinda hot 
  15. " Accidentally " Lies ?
  16. This made my day. I actually have MANY embarrassing moments. I mean, at least once EVERYDAY!
  17. Why were you hugging his balls? Don't most people hug around the neck and shoulders?

  18. I was totally caught off guard 
  19. 