Is it wrong if..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I-, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. It doesn't really matter. If you like her then just go for it.

    Good luck :)
  2. You are at that time in your life when you can make mistakes, and follow your weiner, in 10 years time you'll be married, with kids, house and a career, so make the most of this time, make mistakes, meet going to sound like your mother now...just remember protection, and enjoy your life.
    Remember..He who never makes mistakes never make anything!
  3. Liking them? Nope. I mean some teens look like they're in their twenties. Doing something stupid about it? That's something else. Play safe.
  4. Yeah I'm already kinda nervous about them messaging me,but I figured I just need to be careful who I talk to
  5. Op is imaflirt2014

    Same lame threads with the same stupid questions that yall keep entertaining by answering them :roll:
  6. When I was 17, my boyfriend was 22. Totally legal here is Texas, but his mom did call me jailbait . Plus no cops are going to go hunt you down unless the parents or someone complain.
  8. Better an imaflirt than a completely dead forum
  9. Like youd know with your 60 posts
  10. I mean if you think you might go to jail over it then its really not worth it. You can wait until she's 18. A couple weeks ago this 19 year old kid had to register as a *** offender for having *** with a 14 year old who claimed to be 17. Even the girl's parents tried to fight for him to be taken off because they knew their daughter was in the wrong. So I mean if you think there's a small chance you might go to jail for it, then I can't even believe you're considering it.
  11. Says the forum "expert" with not even 1k posts. Scud.
  12. Never said I was an expert soooo whats up with the quotation marks?

    And I reset from 8k but please tell me more about dead forums with your 61 posts
  13. Imaflirt

    Keep this  coming
  14. I know enough. :D go post a selfie or something Jaax
  15. I say if you like someone and they Happen to be 17 and its legal thats fine. If you are specificity targeting 17 year old then it's creepy.
  16. How is it creepy? I'm a good looking 20 yr old guy 
  17. ? Why do you want young? A seventeen year old would typically be in high school. You would be dating a teenager. That's kinda weird, plus they change their mind every ten minutes.

    I recommend going a little older then yourself. Women actually know things 
  18. He's talking like he already has a 17 year old talking to him but I seen him in campus saying "I wish a girl would talk to me :("