
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takane-no-Hana, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. That what I'm aiming for lol that why I said I'm good at making people butthurt
  2. guys stop bumping this dumb post lmao

    this nub needa to quit pimd for being irriting liek hell #InB4Lock
  4. Still butthurt lmao

  5. Op you are the one that comes off butthurt. You even had to make other threads once the other got locked. Js

    Also going off your wall that doesn't look like ppl are butthutt. More like trashing you. Learn the dif why don't you kid. K? K
  6. Don't burn the calories off your thumbs or fingers on this person Angel. Its clearly obvious this person is trying their best. If "she" think she's made people get butthurt, then let her think that.
  7. nooooo why was it locked
  8. Cause Jerk locked it.
  9. Lmao
  10. Literally. Her name is Jerk.
  11. I'm gonna take this thread off topic so it can get locked.
  12. I'm sorry (wait, no, I'm really not) but you (op) just make me want to

  13. Oh LAWD :shock:
  14. I hope I makes u laugh :)
  16. Anyone know who op's main is?