Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --_----, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. :lol:
  2. if you arent a target in war all you have to do is hit with the rest the target
  3. He's money
    He's game.
    Don't hate him if u ain't him.
    He has spent n worked hard to get to VIP #1.u have to earn cash first in RL to spend here.
    So congrats froggy on VIP #1.
    The more hate u get means more they envy u.

    And if anyone to blame its the for ruinning the game
  4. He is?
  5. This thread actually made me laugh :D
    #no comments :D
  6. but you commented :roll:
  7. Thanks for keeping the apes fed and the lights on cat fairies 
  8. Hatters gonna hate hate hate baby I just gonna shake shake shake I shake it off I shake it off *starts twerking*
  10. Lol funny how there are soo many haters on this game. Congrats pup you're the best. Ps Things change if u dont like then uninstall game. Plain and simple
  11. If you dont like opinions, maybe you should uninstall game. Plain and simple.
  12. Lol I'm just saying ata made it quite clear wars are a thing of the past. Its quite evident with the B2B hunts. No matter how much people complain about b2b Cat Cafes,its about money at the end of the day.
  13. Its quite sad that virtual money is top priority over anything else. Something completely useless to use in daily lives. But who am i to say what you should or shouldn't do. Lol
  14. Lol. I think we all have our own reasons for playing this game. Its addicting if you're not careful tbh lol. Anytime u have a leaders board u can expect for competition cuz everyone wants to be #1. It depends on the player though and how they intend on playing the game. I see where u coming from :)
  15. I wana see you twerk ?
  16. Me too
  17. Anytime you have a #1 you can expect people to think they're #1. But if someone chooses to only play one style of the game are they truely #1? How long will they be able to stay #1. How long till their farmed & flip their lid? Not long I expect..