Don't care then don't click... Goodbye.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Oct 20, 2015.


    see you in a few hours
  2. DEAD
  3. This is so sad :cry:
  4. Is this your second time?
  5. I bet she keeps checking this thread for the comments ?
  7. Actually no. This guy actually has things going for him. He used to live where I lived then he moved to the big places. He just gets on here to waste time and when he's bored but now he knows he don't need to be here anymore.
  8. Similar name, alt?
  9. Nah. Me and him are two different ppl.
  10. Dvp me wif all yo money and send me your showcase?
  11. :lol: :lol: he moved to different places at the same time? :lol:
  12. Oh come on. Names are so similar and you know each other and live nearby but you're claiming it's not your alt. really????
  13. I only have one device. I don't make alts for this game. And so what if our name is similar. If that's the case might as well claim all ppl you know who have similar names as the same person. And I said he moved to a different place. He lives no where near where I'm at.
  14. In the big places, do they still allow one to use numbers when spelling words?
  15. Hmmmmm. Well that's convincing....... :roll:
  16. Comes back as an rper.
  17. No one actually quits this game,they're just reincarnated as a noob.
  18. Bye Felisha. Never new your but People say your " Annoying"
  19. Lmfao!