Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CalvinHarris, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Aren't you supposed to follow me first?
  2. will you pay me?
  3. do you want the good rp or nah?
  4. Why would I want poor quality rp?
  5. Are you cheating on me enigma? ?
  6. So you're cheating on me? 
  7. Oh am I? Awks? :roll:
  8. ? I never got my answer.... What's wrong with all of us?
  9. What is wrong with you ? We are perfectly fine
  10. But are you sure you're fine? ?
  11. Aren't you supposed to dead?
  12. I'm supposed to..dead?
  13. arent you supposed to be busy rping with me ?
  14. Why won't you love me unless I Rp with you?
  15. Why should I love you instead of your rp?
  16. Why don't you follow me so we can rp?
  17. any other takers?
  18. Is $200 too much to charge for one night of Rp?
  19. eni, isn't my rp the best? Why must you ask for others?