Selling hunt items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lil___-42isAnswerToLife___-lil, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. I agree. Hence to why I posted here. Plus sometimes you run out of speaker credits on there.
  2. Online to sell items. Hot items bento goblet or Piglet.
  3. By the way the spigot for 4B dvp.
  4. All bento boxes are sold.
  5. Looks like all is sold...
    What's left op :roll:
  6. Spigot for $4b dv, could turn into a 500cs random item...

    Makes perfect sense when one can hire 20kcs tuts or better with $4b.

    :?:4b DVP sticks you with an op junk tut typically, unless item seller can bump a keeper :?:

    Just saying

  7. Boooom

    Reckt by logic
  8. Rings goblet gold fish and Underwear are left.
  9. People buy the goldfish? Really?????
  10. Portapotty for your goldfish
  11. I'll give 1m dvp for 500 goldfish
  12. Or you can party for them instead of cheating and buying op gifts
  13. For 1m you can even get Nemo to do your dishes
  14. I sold over 103 fish for 0.5B dvp each. So yes that answers your question.
  15. You don't get fish from parties.
  16. so each one of my rings is worth 3B? >~< sorry I'm easily confused