Selling hunt items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lil___-42isAnswerToLife___-lil, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Selling All dvp
    Piglet - 20B
    Goblet - 40B
    Flat Screen - 3B
    Ring - 3B
    Chibi - 2B
    Launch - 65B
    2x Fish or Underwear - 1B
    Jock - 10B
  2. Those prices aren't reasonable in the least. Happy fishin, bruh
  3. I sold a lot with these prices. They might be not reasonable for you but it's certainly reasonable for others with maxed stats.
  4. how much for your spigot?
  5. Better than most OP prices in campus,I'd say.
  6. Yes I always try to be cheaper than what I see on campus. I know rings are 2B but now they are not available hence they are 3B which is a little more expensive. Since I posted this post I sold 1 cup 2 piglets 5 chibis and 2 rings.

  7. Some of those campus prices almost like they fell from heaven lol but yes bump thread when you get your hands on some pub hunt trophies lol
  8. When you have friends you don't have to sell junk for fake cash.
    Opinions will vary. Forum is opinion open.
    I've merely stated mine..
  9. I have friends and a job thank you very much. I enjoy playing games on the side.
  10. Let me know if you get a mirror OP?
  11. Will do. Sorry they sell really fast for 30B dvp lol
  12. More appropriate than usual
  13. Lol xD you probably post 8,918 lame posts.
  14. Sorry guys all chibis are sold. Total sold:44
  15. Selling bento Box for 60B dvp.
  16. Selling more items. Wall me
  17. wc exists for a reason
  19. Wc does exist but I have found many good trades from forums
    So its actually good selling from here.