Name Suggestions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_Wandering-PaolarBear_-, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Hello Forumers:

    So basically (like it says on the title) I made this thread to get some name suggestions so go ahead and suggest some names; be creative.

    All suggestions are welcomed, even those from immature wanna be trolls.
  2. Elvis_Cant-Leave-the-Building_Hes-Too-Fat
  3. Nothing Elvis related, I'm trying to get rid of the Elvis ?
  4. iElvisDidMadoona
  5. juan-the_landscaper
  6. MyNameIsNotElvis
  7. I don't want "Elvis" in the name, MyNameIsNOTelvis ?
  8. SpongeBob
    Squidward(idk his last name)
  9. BlowMyAssLikeGlass
  10. If you want people to be more helpful and actually suggest stuff to your preference it always helps to give a theme and guidelines. Like what kind of name do you want? Anything specific you want in it? Do you want it short or long? What about special characters?
  11. I really don't have any specific desires, I just want a new username that doesn't have "Elvis" in it, I wouldn't mind if it had "Paola" in it since that's my actual name, I want a creative name like BipaolarBear (my pupil suggested it), or even a name that has a Queen reference like DontStopMeNowHavingAGoodTime  Or even zombie related

    So it could be...
    • something with "Paola"
    • Queen (band) related
    • Zombies

    I really just want a creative name.
  12. YouHavePaolalalalala lol
    Seriously though iPaola_CrazedOverZombies
  13. iPaolaQueenOfZombies

  14. iPaolaStomp2xClap1x
  15. Robin Sparkles
    Meg Griffin
    Olivia Dunham
    The dead girl in the well
    Corpse Bride
    Joan of Arc
  16. There was just a Paola on a rerun of catfish today.
  17. lame-player
  18. Oh i should have seen this before