Hello Forumers: So basically (like it says on the title) I made this thread to get some name suggestions so go ahead and suggest some names; be creative. All suggestions are welcomed, even those from immature wanna be trolls.
If you want people to be more helpful and actually suggest stuff to your preference it always helps to give a theme and guidelines. Like what kind of name do you want? Anything specific you want in it? Do you want it short or long? What about special characters?
I really don't have any specific desires, I just want a new username that doesn't have "Elvis" in it, I wouldn't mind if it had "Paola" in it since that's my actual name, I want a creative name like BipaolarBear (my pupil suggested it), or even a name that has a Queen reference like DontStopMeNowHavingAGoodTime Or even zombie related So it could be... something with "Paola" Queen (band) related Zombies I really just want a creative name.