Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Close you DV (direct volley) by doing as said by enigma. The p (profit) is the 20% income you make every time someone hires a tute from you. If they keep in the end than you have gained a profit.
  2. DVP= Drop Volley Profit

    In other words if you are wanted to sell an item for say... 5bil dvp. You may have only 15bil to start with. So you do dv(s) with someone until you make 5bil. Basically you ending with 20bil.

    DV= Drop Volley

    This happens when 2 people hire a tut(s) back and forth. Each hire you earn money. 1 person benefits from this and earns money. On the other hand the other person will lose money but gain some back after they drop the tut(s) they did a volley on.
  3. if you mean reset, reset no longer exist, if you wana start new account delink your current account and start new one, and if you mean go inactive simply deletw the game
  4. try having most recent version, it may be also coz of device i used
    to have old samsung device and used to face same problem
  5. you dont have to be of specific size but higher your stats ( to certain level ) the more you make
  6. How do u get extra credits
  7. You either buy them, or you can unload on the first job. It takes approximately 3-5 unloads to get 1 ec
  8. buy them, unload on jobs, spinner have chance of giving you ecs, and occasionally from hunts
  9. What are Kcs? I have asked around and nobody has answered me.
  10. K is thousand, cs is combined stats.
    It's your strength and intelligence (from your profile page) added together, then divided by 1,000.
  11. Plunder affects on the reward of a party? What i have know is only hitting on a person will be affected.
  12. Build and tutor bonus affects plunder earned on a party, same as PvP earning.
  13. Thank you hypocrite
  14. What will spigots probably be used for? Will it be for avatars, since on the jocktoberfest event forum thread it describes it as an 'avatar key', or will it have the same effect as the winged keys from the last hunt?
  15. Probably the same as other keys from previous hunts!
    And there might not be a specific key exclusively for avatars but something like 2000 keys to unlock an avatar like previous hunt. Thou it's not yet confirmed as pimd said that idea was just a trial and may not be implemented on all of upcoming hunts.
  16. When you upgrade if you evict a dorm mate and re-rent the room to a higher tier dorm mate, does your pupil still get bonuses from it, or only when renting new rooms
  17. Pupils only get bonuses when their tutors open new dorms.
  18. Stop being a hs wannabe?
  19. only you and forums are the wannabe and try hard
  20. whens the new event gonna come out??