I still support especially the grand finale we talked about! Gaahhhh this has a little everything for everyone to enjoy. The non supporters shouldn't be playing pimd if something if not everything doesn't strike interesting to them in the event idea. I say "event" because it soooooo much bigger than a hunt. Support support support
Thank you for supporting! Players who don't support this Event don't have to participate just like they don't have to play this game. They just choose to play it anyway which is why I told them to go sit down somewhere and let the players who actually want this Event to happen, to keep supporting and hope that this Event will be live. I hope to gain more support in this idea as well.
For those of you that are wondering what does Ata mean when they say it is up to the devs, that means that they are leaving it up to the ppl who make the official hunt. The only thing Support can do is support my idea and hope that it will also be an official hunt. The devs that makes the hunt are definitely looking into this thread and I'm pretty sure it became interesting to them. All we do is wait for them to make it a PIMD version of it and then hopefully it'll be a live hunt.
That battle button you see when you go to another player's profile, that is PvP. And to answer how it will work, it will work in both ways. Players can gain rings by doing parties, or by battling other players. Wars are definitely encouraged if they are wanting to gain a lot of rings but battling players while not in a war is fine as well. Parties are still the same as all other hunts. There will be a PotD PPotD. PPA and CC will always drop rings just like it dropped items in other hunts just so players can gain their keys.
Well sugarlumps, read [Event Idea] Sonic and Friends! and read [Event Idea] Legendary Avatar, Gifts, Items, PvP!!! and you'll understand the concepts. ?
A Pvp and party hunt had been suggested so many times I've lost count. With that being said, I do support a Pvp and party event however I do not support the Sonic concept; I'd rather stick to having avatars that are human at the very least and not look like some sort of creature. Besides whenever ATA makes hunts related to or Look cartoonish such as the Kawaii and Pokemon hunt, they get called childish, yet the same people are supporting a sonic theme but ️
A lot of things are called childish. Wanna know what's the funny part? They'll still do the hunt. If they didn't participate at all, that's their problem, not the players who wants to actively participate.
I for one will always support this idea, I think it's creative and fun. Credit to the op for coming up with threads that are detailed and informative rather than just simple suggestions.
I'm glad you do. I even commented on Ata's pic on a third party app and they least they did was acknowledged it.