Doge Twin?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. i bet
  2. I shouldnt have laughed as hard as I did
  3. I know right?
  4. I laughed way too hard at all.

    rip lungs
  5. Slushy4OrangeName
  6. Support
  7. My mission in life is now complete.
  9. LOL. I can be in a pimd movie. Like tresendence.

    Yesterday he was a noob
    Now he is a Button
  10. you will stay at the buttom
  11. "Thread has been requested lock." Please?
  12. no lock please
  13. What this guy said ????????
  14. i didnt say that :|
  15. The quote doesn't lie.
  16. my hips dont lie
  17. Lying hips. >.>