A Guy Walks Into A Bar - Magic Apple

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Well since my other joke was unsuccessful and wasn't funny at all, probably funny to some, I decided to make another one to replace it. I did everything I could to keep this one clean at least so hopefully I'm not forum banned. If I am, y'all have no chill. Anyway, have a good laugh! ?


    a customer walks in and sits at the bar

    customer 1: yeah can I have a rum and coke?
    bartender: here ya go buddy. Rum and Coke.

    bartender sets an apple in front of him

    customer 1: uhhh... I asked for rum and coke....
    bartender: try the apple buddy

    customer 1 bites into an apple and looks amazed!

    customer 1: awwe dude this taste like rum!
    bartender: there ya go. Turn it around.

    customer turns it around bites the apple and looks even more amazed!

    customer 1: awwe dude this taste like coke! This is amazing!
    bartender: you're welcome.

    another guy walks in and sits at the bar.

    customer 2: yeah can I get Gin and Tonic?
    bartender: here ya go buddy. Gin and Tonic.

    bartender sets an apple in front of the customer.

    customer 2: uhhh.... I ordered a Gin and Tonic...
    customer 1: dude trust me! Its what you want. Just try it.

    he bites into the apple is amazed!

    customer 2: oh wow this taste like Gin!
    bartender: there ya go! Turn it around.

    he turns it around and bites into the apple and is even more amazed!

    customer 2: oh wow this taste like Tonic! This is my favorite way to get drunk now!

    another customer walks in and sits at the bar

    bartender: wassup buddy! What can I get ya?
    customer 3: uhhh give me a moment I can't decide yet.
    customer 1: dude no matter what you order, this guy has all the flavors you want in an apple.
    customer 2: yeah man. You'd best believe it.
    customer 3: ok.... Well in that case, you have one that taste like kitty?
    bartender: do I have one that taste like kitty?

    bartender takes out an apple and sets it in front of the customer, then the customer bites into the apple and quickly spits it out!

    customer 3: dude this taste like poop!
    bartender: turn it around!
  2. You're welcome. ?
  3. Pun intended? Lol
  4. Me: Lalalalala walking into kitchen to visit Bae ?

    Bae: Oh hey darling what's up? ?

    Me: Nothing just seeing how you're doing with those dishes, need a hand or maybe some relief as a reward for your hard work? 

    Bae: It's okay I don't need a hand. I got batteries. ?

    Me: ?
  5. Dat name doe....
  6. Wins post of the year award! 
  7. I'd give him post of the month. Other ppl could come up with better jokes than that.
  8. no support
  9. You'll never get support
  10. I thought your other joke was funny... This means when can be wonder buddies together. Just kidding I don't have time for friends, I live and breath pimd like tony.
  11. Your other joke was better, this one was just lame.
  12. The first I made is funny. It was the Million Dollar joke that probably didn't seem so funny although it tells a true story.
  13. Well I got more of em. Blind Man or One More? You choose which one.