Girls Difficulty 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DingNut, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Support
  2. BTW, I always get confused by guys. I mean, some of the guys I've met, like, completely read your minds! And well, you just can't know what their thinking!
  3. !!!
  4. Why do guys lie all the time?I mean we should be able to open up to girls more right?instead of keeping things away from them
  5. Op is giving me mixed signals...he asks a generalized question about ladies...yet he has classified himself a heartthrob 
  6.  The struggle
  7. well you can always drink beer and get lad with a night girl instead ?
  8. Preach it

    Women aren't difficult. We have to deal with extremely difficult problems, but guys mark that off as us being a pain in the butt. Stop sexism!
  9. you gotta deal with period so what do you have an idea about what happens to a guy if he felt he wanted to do it in public trust me its bad ?
  10. So lame! How dare you clump us girl and women together. You must really want a girl and not a women js. Think before you post
  11. 
  12. Do you want to compete with blood every time you pee. What about when we are pregnant? We have a living thing inside of us, and we have to give birth to it. So yeah, girls don't have an easy ride...
  13. Women aren't complicated, you're just dumb
  14. we are the reason yall are pregnant ? jk jk dun hurt meh
  15. but markins, it's been proven that females can get pregnant WITHOUT men using artificial white stuff. lol.
  16. yes but does it "feel good"?


    plus am pretty sure dat artificial crap gonna get u cancer ?
  17. "does it feel good"

    but do men finish women off properly???? some may. but the majority of you??? please lmfao.

    plus it's been proven to be safe. not to mention females can eat bone marrow (either male or female is fine) to get pregnant as well which is way safer than the artificial white stuff.
  19. obviously you can't have a mature discussion about the matter if you have to edit my post like that. :roll:
  20. Op abandoned thread?