[Weekend Bonus] 3x Winged Key Drops + Super Jackpots!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. For the duration of the weekend (until 12PM PDT on Monday, September 21st) the chances of receiving a completed Winged Key from a party has been TRIPLED!

    In addition to the above 3x Winged Key Drops you'll have a chance at SUPER JACKPOT drops, each of which consists of 10 Winged Keys!.
  2. Re: [Weekend Bonus] 3x Winged Key Drops Super Jackpots!

    Only in cat cafe right?️
  3. Re: [Weekend Bonus] 3x Winged Key Drops Super Jackpots!

    of course
  4. Both the 3x Key drops and the 10 Keys Jackpot are dropping from ALL parties that hunt items are dropping from. (ie - CC, PPA and both PotD)
  5. 1% Chance For That Jackpot lol
  6. ATA is illumanti confirmed.
  7. Oh you don't want to add more to your other new drop thread huh :lol: figures
  8. SOOOO where's the thread explaining these other drops??
  11. 3 x 0 = 0

    Way to go ATA
  12. Im in a b2b cc and ive seen x10 keys be dropped.
  13. our club just completed a cat and 3 people got 10 keys. so drop rate looks pretty good :)
  14. Key words... Cat & cc
  15. Also anything dealing with 3x or triple doubled quadrupled
  16. What you should improve is the chances of getting rare avatars, this will be the fourth hunt without me getting at least one rare Avatar much less a super rare one.
  17. Now that sound nice?