School of Hipsterdry Drop of the Day

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Each day from now until 12PM PDT on Tuesday September 22nd Cat Cafe will be dropping a different School of Hipsterdry themed item! What will it be? Only time will tell!

    In addition to the changing daily drops, Laser Point Wands will be dropping from Cat Cafe the entire time (until 12PM PDT on 9/22).
  2. wow.. okay
  3. Really, just Cat Cafe? ?
  4. Magic Wand.

  6. Why don't you just remove all the regular and pro parties and retain Cat Cafe? ?
  8. support
  9. :lol:
  10. Thanks pimd this is so refreshing 
  11. Like laser sword 
  13. these hunts have become such a joke. Nothing ever original. 2,000 keys for the same rare aviator stats as all the others have from previous hunts. Ppfftt at least raise the stats of the avatars. 55/30( or whatever it is) is not special anymore,for 2,000 keys the avatar should have had like 70/50. Something different and worthy of that many keys. These key hunts really suck, 100 keys and you unlock the same damn item at least 20x ... Greedy greedy ATA  guess the cat sales have dropped. Switch up the game and the hunts and maybe people will be interested as before. Or how about finally release new levels ?