iOS 9

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_MERCEDES_FAN_-, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Who's liking the new update... ?
  2. i didnt update ?
  3. I'm getting my iPhone 6plus later tonight.
  4. Why don't I have it ?
  5. What Number you have?
  6. Enjoy it :)
  7. Thank You for posting everywhere I go lol <3
  8. Pimd will there be a iOS 9 update for Pimd today?
  9. PIMD is actually already compatible with iOS9.

    If you do come across any specific issues though please do let us know :)
  10. Going to apple store . Pimd respond to my feedback
  11. @pimd please add more dorms or next lvl why the long wait ?
  12. We have an update? ?
  13. Support
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. man can you wait till 2016 its right around the corner
  15. Why :( I'd steruggle with that tbh but it'd be manageable
  16. Support 
  17. I barely update anything
  18. Uh oh PIMD you got him all excited now.
  19. in b4 edit
  20. When idiots don't know that you can't edit after 5 minutes. 