Today I left a club because 1. I was very low kcs compared to the other players 2. I just didn't fit in there. So i told the owner I had left and told her those where the reasons. I spent the day club hopping and then I saw someone making free clubs for people who had unique club name ideas. So he made me the club and when the owner of the old club I was in found out I made a club she lost her top saying i should have not made excuses for leaving.... That i should have been a women about it... Then deleted me before i could reply back How was i supposed to know I wanted to make a club until I had the opportunity? Has anyone else have had this problem or simplar problem or was i just the lucky one?
Sorry for the terrible writing its early n i haven't slept yet ... But thats what I thought ... Clearly in her mind I was wrong in some way?
People get all butt hurt over stupid stuff. Keep this in mind: its just a game. You dont have to justify your actions to anyone. And in turn, dont take anything on this game personal.
You did what you felt was right. She shouldn't have got made you made a club. That's just stupid or her.
You should simply play the game according to how you are most comfortable and happy with. Some people take the game way too seriously and end up disrupting how others want to play, just don't mind them and find people you get along with. Also, don't be afraid of getting farmed because it's a part of the game. Instead, learn how to defend and attack effectively in case it does happen.