My Android Just Updated on its own.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Hisami-n, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. I threw it on the ground. But this update is poor crap, everything is so crowded, the sizes are way too much, and the pop up is dumb as all hail. I can't even see all of my character anymore, nothing makes any sence, and its pure embarasment to open this app while someone is watching or recommend anyone to it. I go to college for Christ sake, I don't need this crap in my life, My phone is an android btw and if you don't have auto update turned off you are screwed.

    Ata I don't even wanna lie to you guys, this update is just retarded even though it's supposedly keeping up with the so called trend, sometimes simplicity is the best thing ever. At least put back some grays, and a drop down forall those new squares you added to the main Screen.

    How did you come up with this crap? Did you have a 5 year old focus group with the majority being girls?

    And what's up with the spinner?
  2. And what the is up with the spinner?
  3. You're complaints are just annoying.
  4. Should have placed it on manual update yo
    U was warned from the start from other players

    Quit Yo qwien bby boii
  5. That phone is so small lawd
  6. Dude your making a huuuuuuge deal out of, your own words "poop"
  7. Oh gawd.
    Why does anyone have their phones on auto update? It takes forever to install and update all that crap when you FR.
  8. Prevention is better than cure. I removed mine ages ago! ?
  9. loser ??? #oldversionftw
  11. nice amount of change you got there
  12. you are stuck now
  13. I think you complaining and comparing to what was before to now doesn't really help you at all.

    I think if you saw the Thread on forums of course that informed everyone that this was going to come soon you're kind of just "Tardy to the Party"

    All in all you having that little rant doesn't really help your situation at all.. It's not like ATA is going to swoop in and recognize how much you hate the damn update.

    I have a suggestion. Wait in Line.

    If you really truly hated this update and you actually had the time to create a worthless thread on forums. You really should have just emailed ATA about the situation, instead of crying on here about how much your crappy phone updated it self on an app.

    News Flash!

    You can control that yourself. If you dint want the damn update simply take off the auto update in the crappy settings. It isn't Rocket Science it's logic.

    Regardless I'm sure this thread will get locked soon if it already isn't.
  15. And @ata my screen still hasn't been fixed. Its probably an issue with smaller phones or an even bigger flaw in the design. m sure if wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't crowded. A way to fix it is to use a "fit to screen scale" or something of the sort, that way it fits best to whatever dimensions work best on each device.

    I also logged in on my tablet and noticed the buttons on it are the exact same size as my phone. That's why scaling to the device would be useful.
  16. Used that long ago, was trying to hire an lcbc tut, but only made it to 700b.
  17. Omg I see the difference! Your battery got charged....wwwoooowww amazing!
  18. Your "You're" is annoying.